Child Health Unit (Pediatrics)

Department of Child Health and Diseases;
It deals with the diagnosis, follow-up and treatment of infants, children and young patients in the 0-16 age group. We provide services to monitor the development of infants and children from birth on a regular basis, to protect them from diseases and to treat them with early diagnosis.


· Polyclinic services provided in the pediatric health and diseases branch of our hospital; It started on April 10, 2017 and has three policlinic rooms, two central buildings and one district polyclinic.

· The pediatric outpatient clinic of our hospital is located on the first floor of the outpatient clinic (F block).

· A total of four physicians; center building policlinic, district polyclinic, inpatient services, newborn, delegation and serves in the units.

· In addition to the trainings provided by our hospital breastfeeding consultancy in order to support the process of breastfeeding of babies, we also provide infant nutrition and care training to mothers during the transition to additional foods.

· Health checks are regularly performed by our pediatric health and diseases specialists for the healthy growth and development of 0-16 age group children.


· The pediatric clinic was opened on 30 March 2018.

· The pediatric health and diseases service provides services to patients with four physicians, eight nurses and two assistants.

· In the hospital, where the physical facilities for both child and companion are made high quality and comfortable, the services consist of single and double rooms.

· Child health and diseases service is located on the second floor.

· Services for diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment care are provided to patients hospitalized for medical treatment.

· The patient and their relatives who are admitted to the service are informed about the hospital rules by the responsible service nurse.