“They established their city under the most beautiful sky and in the best climate we know on earth” Heredot.
Located on the Aegean Coast, Foça is the district of the third biggest city of Turkey, İzmir. This little fishing town welcomed international tourism throughout the bright years of tourism beginning from 1970s till 2000s. Foça lost its popularity and a good deal of socio-economic support of tourism through the years after the international holiday villages closed down. Today, the tourism in Foça is restricted to summer season especially by second home owners and excursionists. The people of Foça are striving for ways to revive the tourism. This study is conducted to understand the views of the students of university getting tourism education thus being a more conscious part of the society about developing tourism in Foça. The results of the qualitative analysis reveal the vulnerable sides of Foça to improve as well as its treasures to enhance. Finally, suggestions are provided for more sustainable ways of tourism development in Foça.

What to do in and around Eski Foça?
Seal spotting trips can be arranged locally in Eski Foça for anyone wanting to see the Monk seals in their natural environment, however no one can guarantee their presence. Local fishermen advise that the most probable time of the year to view Monk seals is autumn, when the sea is cooler and the area quieter.
The area has some spectacular coastal scenery and volcanic rock Islands. A local tour on a “gullet,” a traditional Turkish boat, is recommended for those who enjoy seeing things from a different perspective. One of the largest Islands, Orak, is part of a chain known as the Sirens Rocks. In ancient Greek mythology, sailors were said to crash their ships upon these rocks due to the enchanting voices of the mythical sirens that inhabited them.
The weather conditions are ideal for sea tours and the crystal clear waters will entice any reluctant swimmer in.
The Devil’s Bath is a rock tomb thought to date back to approximately 4th century BC. It is situated 2 km east of Eski Foça at the foot of Candede Hill. Entrance to the tomb is gained via an archway and inside there are two chambers.
Eski Foça castle, or Beşkapılar Kalesi, was originally built by the Genoese in the 17th century. Located five minutes walk from Eski Foça town center, the castle underwent restoration in the mid 90s and the former boathouse is used nowadays as an open-air theater.
The Eski Foça Harbor is the perfect place to enjoy an evening meal. Situated in the center of Eski Foça, the seaside quarter offers stunning views out to sea. Rows of picturesque fish restaurants line the working fishing harbor.

The ancient Phocaeans were very successful in trade and navigation and they built up colonies throughout the coast of the Mediterrenian, from Asia Minor, to Greece, and from France to Spain. It is said that the foundations of the formation of Western civilization were laid in Ionia. As one of the most important cities in Ionia, Foca made a great progress in philosophy, architecture, and sculpture. Furthermore, it was also one of the Ionian cities which manufactured the first “elektrum coins” (alloy of silver and gold) in Asia Minor.
Foca is in a region full of islands. There are a number of small and large islands and many bays in the area and all are brilliantly clean. So, whenever you wish, you can enjoy the sea everywhere in the region. It is a blessing to see Foca, but it is all by itself a privilage to live there. When you see the breathtaking beauty of the sunset, many kinds kinds of birds, countless types of fish, seals, and dolphins all living together, you'll agree.
The people in Foca believe that the visitors who come here for the first time are sure to return sometime later. According to a legend, there is a black stone (KARATAS) in Foca the location of which is unknown. Whoever steps on this stone will be filled with a desire to come back to Foca later again because this place creates a strong addiction. In Foca, mithology, archeology, history and nature complete each other in a perfect harmony. In every corner of Foca one can feel history and nature abundantly. This is where the sea meets the nature and nature meets history. Nature, sea, and history shine there exceptionally. Foca is one of the few towns of the Aegean civilization which has preserve its authentic texture. So, once you visit Foca it is not possible not to love it, and not to want to come back.