v Brain and Nerve surgery (Neurosurgery); It is a branch of medicine that deals with surgical diseases of the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The main diseases of this field of interest are:
v Diseases related to the vein of the brain and spinal cord (such as vascular bubbles, cerebral hemorrhage, vascular blockages, vascular abnormalities)
vTumors (all malignant and benign masses)
v Trauma (traffic accidents, nervous system injuries caused by falls etc.)
v Diseases of the spine and spinal cord (hernia and back hernia, fractures, slippage, tumors, inflammatory diseases)
vPituitary gland diseases (such as tumors that secrete excess hormones)
vChronic pain conditions (cancer pains)
v Movement diseases (such as parkinsonism)
· Polyclinic services provided in the neurosurgery branch of our hospital; It started on April 10, 2017 and has two polyclinic rooms, one central building and one district polyclinic.
· Our hospital is located on the third floor of the neurosurgery outpatient clinic (F block).
· Two physicians in total; center building policlinic, district polyclinic, inpatient clinics, operating theater, delegation and commissioned units serving
I have complaints that I think are related to the neurosurgery department, what should I do?
You can contact us with the phone numbers in the contact section of our hospital website or send a message. In the neurosurgery department of our hospital, a normal patient outpatient clinic is performed every day during the working hours and the patients can be examined on the same day with and without appointment. When you come to the outpatient clinic, please do not forget to bring your old tests (such as film, blood test) and any medications you use. If you arrive hungry in the morning (hungry after 12, no breakfast in the morning), the necessary tests can be done that day.
In accordance with the medical ethics rules, hospital staff and other medical personnel are served without any order.
· Brain and nerve surgery clinic was opened on 30 March 2018.
· The brain and nerve surgery service provides services to patients with two specialist physicians, eight nurses and two assistant staff.
· In the hospital where the physical facilities are made high quality and comfortable for both patient and companion services, the services consist of single and double rooms.
· Brain and nerve surgery service is located on the first floor of block B.
· Services for diagnosis, treatment and post-treatment care are provided to patients who are scheduled for operation or hospitalized for medical treatment.
· The patient and their relatives who are admitted to the service are informed about the hospital rules by the responsible service nurse.
Operating room:
The operating room of our hospital was opened on April 2, 2018 and among the operations performed frequently in the neurosurgery branch;
· Lumbar hernia
· Neck hernia
· Spine contraction
· Surgery such as spine tumor surgery.